Appointment 26 and 27 October 2024 in the 1st courtyard of the Royal Palace
Caserta, 16 October 2024 – The third edition of “Terra di Lavoro Wines” was presented, an oenological and territorial promotion event organized by the Consorzio Tutela VitiCaserta – VITICA, which will be held on Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October in the 1st courtyard of the Royal Palace of Caserta. This year, for the first time, the event sees the special collaboration of the Royal Palace of Caserta, a UNESCO site. A clear choice, aimed at strategically strengthening the network logic for the enhancement and promotion of the territory’s excellence.

Right in the Conference Hall of the Royal Palace, the journalist Antonella Amodio moderated the meeting in which Tiziana Maffei – Director of the Royal Palace of Caserta – illustrated the commitment of the Museum of the Ministry of Culture, as an institution at the service of society and its development, in the promotion and valorization of the excellence of the territory.

The initiative is also in line with the Enhancement Plan of the Unesco Management Plan – action 12 Territorial development in a cultural key and action 14 Integrated promotion of the territory’s offer – which have the purpose “to valorize the productive activities of the Unesco Site and the reference territory, emphasizing the characteristics of beauty, industriousness and experimentation that characterize its specific identity” and “jointly promote the offer of the territory through a network of strategic collaborations, aimed at consolidating the reputation and distinctive identity of the Unesco Site and the entire surrounding area”.
Cesare Avenia – President of the Caserta Wine Protection Consortium – VITICA will instead be responsible for illustrating the objectives and program of “Terra di Lavoro Wines”, which intends to continue the action of disseminating the ampelographic richness and the growing quality of wines of the territory, expressing the history, culture and traditions of the province of Caserta.

The event, which will be held in the first courtyard of the Royal Palace with access from the east entrance of the Royal Palace, with free admission upon deposit for a bag and glass, will feature the wine denominations protected by the VITICA Consortium: Aversa Asprinio DOP, Falerno del Massico DOP, Galluccio DOP, Roccamonfina IGP and Terre del Volturno IGP. The participation of more than 50 member companies with over 160 references will offer professionals, wine enthusiasts and the numerous visitors to the Royal Palace of Caserta a complete overview of the richness and uniqueness of the Terra di Lavoro wine offering.

Program October 26 and 27
Opening of the works Saturday October 26 at 10:30 in the Conference Room on the ground floor, west wing of the Royal Palace, with the conference: “Wine tourism: lever for the DOP/IGP economy of the province of Caserta”. Due to the profound meaning that the valorization of the territory has for the Royal Palace of Caserta, right at the opening of the two days, the Conference Room of the Museum will be named “Terra di Lavoro”.
Cesare Avenia – president of the VITICA Consortium and Tiziana Maffei – director of the Royal Palace of Caserta will introduce, with greetings from Carlo Marino – Mayor of the City of Caserta, Tommaso De Simone – President of the Caserta Chamber of Commerce, Oreste Gerini – General Director ICQRF, Salvatore Schiavone Director of the Southern Italy Office ICQRF.
The aim of the conference is to highlight the great potential of wine tourism and highlight the overall effect of the “DOP/IGP economy” on the territories and, in particular, on the Caserta area. From the ISMEA – Qualivita 2023 Report, it emerges that Campania is in eighth place in Italy for the economic value of the DOP economy and the province of Caserta is in first place among the Campania provinces and in sixteenth place at a national level for the value generated by DOP and IGP food and wine supply chains. This makes a more in-depth reading necessary that, beyond the calculation of the economic return of the food and wine sector, highlights the overall value of the Caserta area, generated by non-delocalizable supply chains, an expression of a collective heritage and a set of environmental, historical and cultural factors.
Authoritative voices in the sector will speak, such as: Domenico Raimondo, President of the Consortium Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP and Leone Massimo Zandotti, Councilor FEDERDOC, who will illustrate “The development prospects of the DOP/IGP economy”, while Maria Paola Sorrentino – President of the Campania Wine Tourism Movement and Stefano Tulli – co-founderWinedering, will talk about “The economic importance of wine tourism for the wine supply chain”. Finally, the intervention of representatives of the Departments of Agriculture and Tourism of the Region will allow us to analyze “The state of implementation of the rules that regulate wine tourism in Campania”. The work will be concluded by Nicola Caputo – Councilor for Agriculture of the Campania Region. On both days of the event, the tasting stands and masterclasses will be curated by the operational support of AIS Campania. The desks will be open from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm, while the masterclasses will be distributed as follows: Saturday 26th at 3:00 pm Aversa Asprinio DOP and at 6:00 pm Falerno del Massico DOP, instead on Sunday at 10:30 am masterclass in English for foreign press and foreign tourists with a selection of wines from all the denominations protected by the Consortium, and, in the afternoon, at 3:00 pm Galluccio DOP and Roccamonfina IGP and at 6:00 pm Casavecchia di Pontelatone DOP and Terre del Volturno IGP.

Participation in the masterclasses will be by reservation only at the link: https://eventivitica.it/masterclass
Numerous moments of interest that will characterize the morning of Sunday 27th October. At 11:30 am in collaboration with Ali della Mente there will be recitative interludes by the artists of the association who will interpret the characters linked to the history and tradition of the royal residence.
This will be followed by the presentation of the book by journalist Antonella Amodio: Calici & Spicchi, Cento modi per abbina bene i vini alle pizze – Malvarosa Edizioni. The text presents a selection of pizzas and wines, guiding the reader for the first time into the world of pizza and wine pairings. The morning program will conclude with the awarding of the “Maria Felicia Brini Prize”, created by the VITICA Consortium in memory of the young entrepreneur who died prematurely, a former advisor to the Consortium. The prize, intended for the best wine list in the Caserta area, in its second edition presents two new features: the expansion of the competing entities, no longer just restaurants but also pizzerias, and the involvement of the public who, through the Facebook and Instagram pages of VITICASERTA or at the link https://www.eventivitica.it/segnala-un-locale/, have been reporting for days the restaurant and pizzeria that, in their opinion, has the best wine list focused on the Caserta area. Subsequently, a commission of experts will evaluate the reports and identify the winner of the award.
Ultimately, the two-day TERRA DI LAVORO WINES event is intended as a significant moment to spread the culture of wine and the Caserta area, underlining its great capacity to attract a wide audience. The memorandum of understanding between the Royal Palace of Caserta and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Caserta thus becomes the basis of a coordinated action to promote, in a synergic and unitary way and to enhance the territorial specificities through the recognized Protection Consortia of local productions. The collaboration with the Royal Palace of Caserta, an undisputed driving force for local culture and economy, has in fact allowed to expand the international appeal of the TERRA DI LAVORO WINES event, already an important meeting place and theater of cultural and commercial exchanges between operators in the sector, producers and buyers.

NOTE Access to the accredited public on October 26 and 27 for the “TERRA DI LAVORO WINES” event only will take place, subject to verification of regular registration, from the right-hand gate in Piazza Carlo di Borbone. The public of the Royal Palace of Caserta with a regular entrance ticket will be able to freely access the event area in the 1st courtyard from the central telescope access.

NOTE The VITICA Consortium, for the Protection of D.O.C. Wines Aversa, Falerno del Massico and Galluccio of the I.G.T. Terre del Volturno and Roccamonfina, was established on May 4, 2004 and is the first consortium for the protection of wines recognized in Campania by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests with Ministerial Decree of 18/01/05. The Consortium aims to protect, enhance and care for the interests of the entire Caserta winemaking chain, from producers to bottlers, thus contributing to preserving the varietal richness of local viticulture and its thousand-year history, which it promotes through the wines of the denominations represented.
ufficiostampa@vitica.it |+39 339 26 35 562
info@vitica.it| www.vitica.it
Giornalista Ufficio Stampa, Comunicazione, Pubbliche RelazioniE-mail florianaschianomoriello@gmail.com